We’re a proud, strong community with a long history of looking out for and lifting up one another. We value justice, diversity, and equity. We believe in a vibrant, inclusive democracy and a government that is accountable, responsive, and free of corruption and cronyism. We expect strong public schools, safe, welcoming, affordable neighborhoods, and an economy that offers opportunities for all. Above all, we believe in a city that is truly run for and by the people.

We all know Bridgeport has a way to go before we can become the city we envision. Because for too long, political corruption has held us back, kept us from building a more just, equitable, and livable city, what Martin Luther King, Jr. called “the beloved community.”

2023 can be Bridgeport’s year of change, because this September 12, Bridgeporters have a chance to vote for a new Mayor. So, over the past year, Bridgeport Generation Now Votes and our Unrig Bridgeport coalition partners— including the Greater Bridgeport NAACP, SEIU 1199 New England, Make the Road Action Connecticut, and more—have been engaging with Bridgeporters in every corner of our city, seeking out your ideas for how we can help Bridgeport reach its great potential.

From this dialogue—conducted via one-on-one conversations in neighborhoods, larger community meetings, and through a citywide poll of residents—comes the People’s Platform, a progressive vision centered around all of our priorities for Bridgeport: good government, education, housing, public safety, jobs, infrastructure, environmental protection, and arts and recreation.

The 2023 People's Platform

We ask our fellow Bridgeporters and all candidates running for office in Bridgeport in 2023 to sign on in support of the People’s Platform. By implementing this vision, we can finally come together, free ourselves from the systemic corruption that has been holding us back for far too long, and finally build the Bridgeport we all know is possible.
Read Now!

La Plataforma Del Pueblo

Bridgeport es una gran ciudad. Somos una comunidad orgullosa y fuerte con una larga historia de cuidarnos y animarnos unos a otros. Valoramos la justicia, la diversidad y la equidad. Creemos en una democracia dinámica e inclusiva y en un gobierno responsable, atento y libre de corrupción y amiguismo. Esperamos escuelas públicas fuertes, vecindarios seguros, acogedores y asequibles, y una economía que ofrezca oportunidades para todos. Por encima de todo, creemos en una ciudad que es verdaderamente dirigida por y para el pueblo.
¡Lee en español!

The UNRIG BRIDGEPORT COALITION is made of the following partner organizations:

Bridgeport Generation Now Votes, Bridgeport Strong, Connecticut Citizen Action Group, The Greater Bridgeport NAACP, Greater Bridgeport Ed Gomes Black Democratic Club, Make The Road CT Action, PT Partners, SEIU 1199 New England, The Working Families Party – Bridgeport, The Working Families Party – CT